
My favorite colored vegetable...

I was going to say my favorite vegetable, but I have a hard time using the word favorite. If you know me, you know I have an issue making decisions. So to choose a "favorite" is just too much stress for me. It is definitely one of my favorite vegetables, and it is my favorite color of vegetable. Here I've roasted and sliced the beets with a small wedge of goats milk brie, and beet vinaigrette. This was part of a dinner for our neighbors Stacy and Muzz, who always appreciate my food and I appreciate their honesty; so they get invited back quite often. i also tried this dish with spaghetti like strands of the beet (from a "spiralizer") and a slice of the brie on top, lightly toasted under the broiler, which was also quite nice but I forgot to take pictures - which i often do.

No Silver Skillet...

Well guys, I didn't take home the coveted Silver Skillet at the AFC competition, but I had a great time and it was a fun experience. There were a lot of great dishes and the winner was a fellow alumni from CSCA, Kristianne Pak. The dish came out well, a little stressful at the end but I was pleased. We were the only two to actually present our dishes on time. They wouldn't reveal our places, but I like to think I was the runner up. Here are a few pics from the event. Congratulations Kristianne, good luck in Napa!