
Peanut Butter Cookies!

Mmmmmmmmm, peanut butter. I've been craving pb cookies since one of the chefs at work made them and gave me a selfishly small sample. OK actually, it was two cookies with carmelized banana ice cream that was a little taste of heaven, but I still didn't get my fix. So I thought I'd whip up a batch myself. I woke up Sunday morning to the buzzing sound of a mosquito at 4:30am and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally got out of bed at 5:30 and thought this the perfect opportunity. Everything i've tried so far from Cindy Mushet's 'The Art and Soul of Baking' has been a success, so I used her recipe as the basis for these.

I did stray from the original replacing organic all natural peanut butter for the commercial brand (against her warnings), but tried to make up for it with a little extra butter, salt, and sugar. I scooped out the batter, made the essential crosshatch with a fork, popped these bad boys in the oven and voila!

And she said it couldn't be done! OK, actually she just advised against it, warning that the cookies may be dry from the lack of hydrogenated oil and sugar, which they were slightly from my blatant disregard. But, hey, sometimes you gotta sacrifice something for organics. I prefer the taste of the earthy, peanutty flavor of the all natural to the sugary, oily commercial stuff and I think that flavor was accentuated in these yummy little cookies. After they cooled I dipped the little square plateaus on top in dark chocolate (because the only thing I like better than peanut butter is peanut butter with chocolate) to make these "New Love American Style" Peanut Butter Cookies. I gave some away and have been nibbling on the rest ever since. Nothing is better than a cookie right from the oven, nothing, but I think these have actually gotten better over the last couple days as they've hardened, call me crazy. I froze some of the leftover dough in little balls to be enjoyed again.

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